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Kharbooja Popsicle

  • 4
  • 3
  • 10min
  • 0min

Beat the scorching heat with these sanity-saving Ice Lollies. Kids will love the fruity goodness, while melons provide refreshing hydration. This recipe is dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free, grain-free, peanut-free, soy-free, vegan, plant-based, and vegetarian-friendly.


Kharbooja Popsicle

Cooking Steps

Kharbooja Popsicle

Step 1 :

Peel and cut the Muskmelon, take out the remaining flesh and keep it aside.

Step 2 :

Transfer to a blender and blend thoroughly along with honey.

Step 3 :

Transfer the blended muskmelon into a pouring jug, add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and give a good mix.

Step 4 :

Let it stand for 5 minutes.

Step 5 :

After 5 minutes, pour the muskmelon and chia mixture into popsicle moulds.

Step 6 :

Insert ice cream sticks and keep them in the freezer for at least 4-5 hours.

Step 7 :

After the popsicles are set, de-mould and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Shop Ingredients

Kharbooja Popsicle

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

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