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Chia Paan Lassi in Baked Buckwheat Basket

  • 4
  • 8
  • 20min
  • 8min

Dessert with goodness of superfood, probiotic & digestive ingredients for a delicious delightful & nutritious party food.


Chia Paan Lassi in Baked Buckwheat Basket

Cooking Steps

Chia Paan Lassi in Baked Buckwheat Basket

Step 1 :

In a bowl take GoodDiet Buckwheat Flour add Carom seeds, salt & knead soft using water then keep covered with a muslin cloth for 20 minutes.

Step 2 :

Take a basket mould grease it with ghee then apply the prepared buckwheat mixture on the greased mould by slight pressing.

Step 3 :

Air fry the buckwheat applied moulds at 200 degrees for 8 minutes.

Step 4 :

Unmould the buckwheat baskets and keep aside.

Step 5 :

To prepare the filling paan lassi soak the good diet black chia seeds in warm water for 30 minutes.

Step 6 :

Take hung curd in a bowl add paan syrup and then using a hand stirrer mix nicely followed by adding the soaked chia seeds.

Step 7 :

Keep the baked buckwheat baskets on a plate and pour the chia paan lassi mixture in it then serve for a delightful delicious & healthy party dessert.

Shop Ingredients

Chia Paan Lassi in Baked Buckwheat Basket

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

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