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cookbook image


Garlic Coriander Pomfret Fish

  • 2
  • 10
  • 10min
  • 10min

Easy to make and very delicious.



Cooking Steps


Step 1 :

Cut medium size pomfret into 4 broad pieces.

Step 2 :

Mix oil, minced garlic, black pepper, red chilly powder, turmeric, coriander powder, coriander leaves in a bowl. Squeeze 1 lemon.

Step 3 :

Spread all the masala over the fish.

Step 4 :

Keep it aside for 15 mins so that it gets marinated properly.

Step 5 :

Take a pan and heat some oil. Pour the fish mixture in the hot oil and let it cook for 5 mins on low flame.

Shop Ingredients

Garlic Coriander Pomfret Fish

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

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