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    Buy Pears Products Online in India

    Pears introducing the product ranges are Pears Soap, Cream, Oil, Shampoo, Talc, Cologne and Gel. Pears Soap is most efficient product in India. Pears give gentlest and purest solution to protecting their baby’s tender skin and hair. Buy Pears products Online in India at the best price. The price range of Pears products is between Rs.34 and Rs.162. From the luxury of your homes, you can now order your favourite Pears new range products like Pears Soap, Cream, Gel and many others online at Bigbasket.

    Pears Online

    Pears is a brand of soap first produced and sold in 1807 by Andrew Pears at a factory just off Oxford Street in London, England. It was the world's first mass market transparent actually translucent soap. A Pears is one of UK’s oldest soaps. Currently it is a beloved baby care brand, sold in certain countries in its original translucent soap form. According to Unilever records, Pears Soap was the world's first registered brand and is therefore the world's oldest continuously existing brand. Pears are trusted for being gentle, and is recommended by doctors and pediatricians worldwide.